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We've taken the transcript from youtube and put it below in case you want to read along.

I'm here with dr. David Brownstein he's

an expert about iodine so you have a

book out the books iodine why you need

it why you can't live without it and

it's in its fifth edition give us a

general overview about iodine because

iodine is something that not very many

people are aware about and is frequently

deficient in our North American diet so

iodine is the most misunderstood

nutrient it's deficient in over 95

percent of people conventional medicine

doesn't recognize that and the

consequences of this deficiency are

problems with all the glandular tissue

which is the thyroid the breasts the

ovaries uterus and the prostate and

that's all the tissues we're having all

these problems with right now with one

in seven women having breast cancer one

in three men having prostate cancer all

the thyroid problem that's out there and

I say it's all directly related to the

cytokine deficiency epidemic that we're

seeing so what's the best way to combat

iodine deficiency well number one you

can get your iodine levels checked and

see where you are and then you can take

natural forms of iodine and once the

body is applied with the right forms of

iodine those glandular tissues start to

work a lot better so one of the natural

forms of iodine would be seaweed seaweed

would be a natural form of iodine and it

was used for centuries as a good source

of iodine the problem now is that if the

seaweed is harvested from the ocean

where is pollution it can take up

bromide or fluoride or chlorine and not

half as much iodine in it and the other

problem with seaweed now is the

radiation problem from Fukushima where a

lot of the seaweed came from Japan and

you know who knows the quality of that

stuff right now

so what's another source other than

fortified salt table salt which isn't

the best source right well only 10

percent of iodine in table salt is

absorbable I don't think that's the best

way to get it in and my research shows

that supplementing with iodine and the

old form of iodine lugol's iodine which

has been around since the 1800s is an

adequate source of iodine there's tablet

forms of lugol's that are out there

there are other sources of iodine that

are out there as well but I think that's

the best way to do it what's the most

dramatic thing you've seen when someone

has changed their level of iodine iodine

is responsible for maintaining normal

architecture of a glandular tissue

includes the breasts the ovaries uterus

thyroid the prostate in iodine

deficiency you start to get problems in

the architecture of those tissues they

start to form cysts and nodules and

eventually cancer can happen so the most

dramatic thing I see is people with

fibrocystic breasts or cysts on their

prostate or tumors on these glandular

tissues that just go away when they're

given iodine not all the time but in

many cases that's what happens what do

you recommend in terms of daily intake

of iodine everybody should have their

levels checked and work with an iodine

knowledgeable health care practitioner

but the Japanese we estimate takes in

about an average about 13 milligrams a

day so I think safely 13 milligrams a

day for most people can be a starting

dose but those who have problems with

the glandular tissue may need more but

again I would suggest getting your

levels checked before starting treatment

and work with a knowledgeable health

care provider what are other uses of

iodine because what I used it for is

removal of my moles with iodine well

that's an old time remedy for iodine

another old time remedy for iodine is

for cystic ovaries

iodine's been used over antiquities for

many issues particularly thyroid issues

and for hypothyroidism iodine can help

the thyroid regenerate itself where

people are longer than that hormone I

mean iodine it's got a long storied

history of uses for skin disorders and

glandular problems hey wonderful so I

will tell everybody to check out your

website and to buy your book and what

are you going to speak about tonight I'm

going to speak about iodine and I have a

3-hour talk on iodine tonight coming up

in about an hour

wonderful thank you so much
