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I started looking at patients

holistically about 20 years ago after

treating my father was my first

holistically treated patient and I found

that my father with a 25-year history of

heart disease and continued Anjana and

seeing all the best doctors out there

was on ten different medications when I

looked at him holistically he had an

unrecognized thyroid problem and when I

just got his thyroid working better

you know his 25 year history of angina

went away he he felt better he looks

better neck better and I started looking

at every patient from that moment on for

hormonal and thyroid problems in

ultimately I came to find so many

patients with thyroid problems they

started searching for an underlying

cause of why are so many patients having

thyroid problems and about 12 years ago

I came to that under the study of iodine

and when I started looking at my

patients their iodine levels I found

that over 95% were significantly lower

low in iodine and when I started

rectifying this with using the right

kind of iodine these patients started to

get better from a variety of problems

including thyroid problems and breast

problems than ovarian uterine prostate

problems and we'll get into all that

discussion but then that's how I started

and you know now I've been treating

people with iodine for you know over a

dozen years and seeing the great results

with it

and the power structure didn't know

about this and that's why they had I

solved in the 1920s to prevent the

goiter epidemic that was occurring and

the interesting thing was after they you

know the iodization of salt was hailed

as one of the first public health

miracles in the United States government

and it was it really effectively treated

a problem that was a that was a you know

occurring at epidemic grades had treated

it cheaply and treated it safely

the the interest Friday waned after that

because I had a patentable substance and

Big Pharma started to make inroads after

World War two and really they were only

interested in patentable substances and

the powers that be thought that the

Pointer epidemic was cured with the iota

zation of salt which just wasn't the

case and then it's things got worse in

the 1970s be when radioactive iodine

began to be used in medicine radioactive

iodine would only work if people were

iodine deficient it doesn't work if the

iodine receptors are saturated with

iodine because the radioactive iodine

just passes through and doesn't bind

anything so the powers that be mandated

that the flour products have iodine

removed from them which used to be in

all these flour products and put bromine

in them which is a toxic halogen and

it's a competitive inhibitor of iodine

and it that's what really started

driving the identified emic we're seeing

you know 40 years later now and that's

why I think we're seeing so many more

thyroid problems and breast problems and

so women so on

iodine is an essential element for our

body we don't have enough iodine we

won't live its concentrating a glandular

tissue of the body an iodine is main job

in a gland joint issue is to maintain a

normal architecture of the glands when I

say the glandular tissue I refer to the

breasts the ovaries uterus thyroid

prostate what are we having problems

with in our country right now glandular

problems we have one in seven women

women with breast cancer one in three

men with prostate cancer we have

epidemic increases of ovarian and

uterine problems and and certainly we

have epidemic increases of all the

thyroid problems autoimmune thyroid

illnesses such as Hashimoto's and Graves

disease hypothyroidism and thyroid

cancer what's the relationship between

all these diseases that are increasing

the epidemic rates I say the

relationship is iodine deficiency over

the last 40 years our iodine levels have

fallen over 50 percent according to the

US government's own studies during that

same time we've seen rapid increases in

all those illnesses I just mentioned and

I say that we're not going to get to the

underlying cause of these problems with

more mammograms and more PSA tests we're

going to get to the underlying cause

when we start asking the right questions

why are so many people suffering with

thyroid breast and prostate and ovarian

and uterine problems and I say it's

nutritional and hormonal imbalances and

one big piece of this puzzle for all

this stuff is iodine deficiency I've

been looking at patients for 20 years

and trying to help them achieve their

optimal health and I can assure you it's

impossible to achieve your optimal

health if you don't have a properly

balanced hormonal system and I can

assure you it's impossible to have a

properly balanced hormonal system if you

don't have enough iodine iodine

concentrating all the glands of the body

and that includes the thyroid and the

adrenals and the ovaries and uterus and

I'm repeating myself with these but it's

important because so many people are

suffering from these glandular problems

and most people don't know that if you

don't have adequate amounts of iodine

you can't make any hormone in the body

that not only includes a thyroid that

includes the adrenal hormones and a lot

is written about low adrenal problems

and people need adrenal support and the

adrenal glands are your fight-or-flight

glands and you need proper adrenal

hormones to feel good and to be able to

exercise and to be able to just function

daily Wow

I can tell you I see a lot of people

with adrenal and thyroid problems and

they can't get their balance if they

don't have enough iodine

now the government fortified salt with

iodine in the 1920s after recognizing

the goiter epidemic that was affecting

the United States and that little bit of

iodine and iodized salt it's about 75

micrograms per gram was enough to

prevent goiter in the vast majority of

people that ate iodine salt however

what's happened in the recent years is

our exposure to toxic chemicals that

polite and on the body is increased

rapidly and two of these toxic halogens

are fluoride and bromine and we can

Broman i found that bromine toxicity

occurring in every single one of

patients that i've tested for the

bromine levels and in fact i stopped

checking people for bromine toxicity

just because I thought it was wasting

their money because everyone's iron

bromide we are exposed to bromine from

multiple sources from simple things like

if you're in a pool or a hotel that is

brominated or you were they using

bromine to keep the water clean there's

one exposure but we're getting bromine

in our food from bakery products because

the government allows flower to be

brominated instead of by ordinated so

the breads and pastas and cereals made

with regular flour have bromine in them

we also get bromine in drink such as

Mountain Dew and other soft drinks and

we get bromine in a lot of medical

prescription items such as inhalers for

asthma and and other prescription items

where there's a bromine atom in the

center of the drug the next most common

halogen that is causing problems with

their item levels is fluoride we all

know that our water supply is

fluoridated even though there are no

good studies that show the fluoridation

of our water supply decreases cavity

rates which is why they did it in the

1950s what's not known by most people is

that almost every single European

country they used to fluoridate the

water has stopped because they've

realized that Florida - the water is

more dangerous than it is helpful

they've also realized that there's no

difference between cavity rate and

fluoridated vs. on fluoridated countries

um we also get fluoride in in juices and

and any canned food source where they're

getting it from a public water supply

and using that water as part of the

canned juices it's in baby food and

we've become an over fluoridated country

and this double whammy up fluoride and

bromine has really pushed the iodine

levels down in our body and made us

worse and the consequences of this are

this epidemic of breast cancer

fibrocystic breast disease thyroid

cancer autoimmune thyroid illness

hypothyroidism and prostate cancer that

we're seeing and I firmly believe that

we're not going to get to the underlying

cause of these problems by ordering more

tests such as mammograms or PSAs or or

and if these diseases are certainly not

occurring because we have a deficiency

of surgery or chemotherapy or radiation

out there it's occurring because we have

nutritional and hormonal imbalances and

one of the biggest nutritional imbalance

is iodine deficiency I've tested over

6,000 patients well but between my

partners and I we've tested over 6,000

patients we found over 96% our numbers

right now are ninety six point four

percent of these 6000 patients are

deficient in iodine these are huge

numbers the majority of those ninety-six

percent are not just mildly deficient in

iodine they're severely deficient in

iodine so if I dine is supposed to

maintain the normal architecture of the

clay enjoy tissue you can just you can

just think about what's happening to

these ninety-six percent of patients who

have low iodine levels you can think

about what's happening in their thyroid

the prostate their ovaries the uterus

and and you could gather that there's

going to be illness in those tissues and

until that is being identified by the


we're just going to keep rolling down

the same pathway of spending too much

money on a diagnostic test too much

money on therapies that don't treat the

underlying cause of the illness and

we're not getting to what's causing the

underlying cause of many of these

illnesses if we need to really revamp

our approach and our approach to being

to search for underlying causes and

nutritional hormonal imbalances and to

really search for what's throwing off

the biochemistry of the body that's

allowing these diseases to develop and

really when this search begins things

like I there's more than just iodine out

there and I don't feel that I should be

used solely without without being used

part of a holistic treatment approach so

yes iodine can help all these conditions

but remember if the listener decides

that they're going to take iodine just

from hearing me talk you're going to

displace these fluoride and bromide

atoms that are all through your body and

your body has to get rid of those mostly

through your kidneys and through the

urine and if you don't have the proper

nutritional support you can cause some

problems with taking either

well the biggest thing that you could

take to prevent the detox reactions from

iodine assault unrefined salt so in the

old days when people got bromide toxin

because the medical establishment used

to give people bromine because it it

dulls the brain so people were were

having mental issues they would give

them just bromine to just just chill

them out so in the old days when they

gave too much bromine well how'd they

get the bromine out they used to salt it

out so it would give people sodium

chloride IVs and oral salt tablets well

we don't have to use so IVs of sodium

chloride to do this all you have to do

if you're gonna take iodine the biggest

thing I can encourage the listeners to

do is to increase their intake of

unrefined salt and unrefined salt has

over 80 minerals in it when you compare

that to refined salt which has zero

minerals in it the other things that

help to prevent problems when taking

iodine number one is salt

number two is drinking up water you want

to maintain hydration number three is

vitamin C vitamin CX like a strong

antioxidant and you know a couple

thousand milligrams of vitamin C goes a

long way in this case B vitamins are

very helpful particularly vitamins b2

and b3 but a good B complex could be

helpful for this and a major thing is

magnesium magnesium can counter the

problems that happen in the thyroid in

the breasts and the ovaries with too

much iodine is as oxidative stress

builds up and taking you know 100 to 400

milligrams of magnesium brought about

selenium because I've been told about a

lot of folks that's key to also take

along with the iodine there's numerous

studies that show that selenium can help

autoimmune thyroid disorders flooding

selenium acts as an antioxidant selenium

can be could be a part of this plan and

very much help prevent toxic reactions

from iodine and let me let me let me

clarify that I don't see too many toxic

reactions from iodine most people if

they just do the basics you know

hydration salts magnesium vitamin C and

a little B vitamin support they won't

get any problems with taking iodine

it is occurring it up and emigrates and

you women should know what women women

and men should know you can't get an

autoimmune thyroid disorder unless your

iodine deficient

unfortunately conventional medicine is

under the myth that iodine causes these

illnesses well if I die were causing

these illnesses we'd seem declining over

the last 40 years as their item levels

have fallen over 50 percent what's

happened over the last 40 years

autoimmune thyroid emphasises it have

increased in epidemic rates all of them

from washing bottles to Graves disease

and then and then we throw in thyroid

cancer all increasing by these iodine

levels of following it's it's pretty

clear what's causing this and you know a

big piece of this puzzle is iodine
