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good evening and welcome my name is

Justin Mills and I will be your host and

moderator for tonight's special feature

webinar we have a very interesting topic

tonight that will offer tremendous

insight for you and your personal health

and we're glad that you're able to join

us here tonight

our sponsor for tonight's webinar our

two sponsors

Agra best feed Dagon recipe that offers

a unique line of livestock

supplementation distillers grain based

complete supplements and sea salt for

horses and cattle and we welcome all of

the Agra best feed attendees that are

also joining us tonight as well on our

webinar also sponsoring tonight's

webinar is real salt full of flavor and

natural goodness the way salt was meant

to be savored experience the goodness of

real salt and thank our sponsors tonight

as well but we turn towards the area of

human health and we are extremely

pleased to have with us live and in


nationally renowned author and speaker

dr. David Brownstein were pleased to

have him with us tonight with a special

presentation on his book entitled salt

your way to health dr. Brownstein is

currently the director of the Center for

holistic medicine he received his

undergrad from the University of

Michigan and his medical doctors degree

from Wayne State University he is a

board certified in Family Practice and

practices holistic medicine now for 12

years specializing in the use of

vitamins minerals herbs natural hormones

he's lectured internationally about his

success with using the natural items and

has authored multiple papers and books

including the miracle of natural

hormones overcoming arthritis overcoming

thyroid disorders and iodine why you

need it why you can't live without it

but tonight though we focus on dr.

Brownstein s book salt your way to

health as he discusses why salt is the

most misunderstood nutrient and how

adding the right kind of salt to your

diet can help fatigue adrenal disorders

immune system function thyroid disorders

cholesterol levels blood pressure and

much more so with that now I would like

to turn it over to our featured

presenter would you please welcome and

we're glad to have with us dr. David


being our presenter for tonight's

webinar well thank you for happy we hear

Justin's as you just gave my whole talk

I think I could back out now and just

take questions but let me let me show

you in these next 45 minutes to an hour

why salt is such an important thing and

how you can integrate salt in your daily

activities to to get the best effects

for your health and your family's health

why you need to use unrefined salt

instead of refined salt and I have

written a number of books in my medical

career and I've written nine books right

now and I'm currently working on a ten

and this salt book is one of the most

important books that I've written and

when I started doing when I became a

physician about 20 years ago I really

wasn't interested in any alternative or

holistic therapies and I I bought the

party line it was taught to me in

medical school and part of that party

line that was talking medical school was

that everybody needs to reduce salt and

that you're healthier if you don't eat

salt and you're unhealthy if you eat

salt now we were taught that from day

one of medical school we would talk to

at the last day of medical school and

pretty much every conventional

conference that addresses the issue of

salt still holds true to the idea that

salt is a bad thing and that the

healthier you are the lower your salt

intake is and that includes for

everybody but I will show you that that

is just you know part of the myth of

salt and really what I've learned in

medical school about salt is really

natural or or skewed for the truth but

in today's lecture I will show you you

know what is the truth so there's no

better way to start than a quote from

Leo Tolstoy and he said I know that most

men including those of these with the

problems of the greatest complexity

himself will accept even the simplest

and most obvious truth if it would have

liked him to admit to the falsity of

conclusion they have delighted in

explaining to their colleagues

now there's there there really hasn't

been too many more also be conclusions

that have been stated about one single

item in salt and we'll talk about those

myths tonight and you know what's true

with salt and what isn't true is so so

this is my newest book in the second

edition of salt it just came out a few

months ago and in this book I write

about how salt and help with the

communal disorders and blood pressure

problems I'll show you in this talk that

I put most of my hypertensive patients

add salt and that they need the right

kind of salt and the right kind of salt

will actually lower the blood pressure

it helps out for fatigue and the

disorders with fatigue like fibromyalgia

helps out headache patients it helps out

diary disorders and a whole bunch of

other conditions so I have been using

when I started doing holistic medicine

20 years ago I quickly realized that the

vast majority of my patients were

suffering from vitamin and mineral

deficits and it wasn't usually just

single vitamin mineral deficits it was a

host of vitamin and mineral deficits and

I started to you know when I started to

draw blood levels and test levels of

patients on these things and see just

the sheer numbers of patients and the

number of nutrients that work that were

off kilter I started to ask myself well

how could this be you know we live in in

the wealthiest Western society in the

face of the earth

we have food plentiful and my patients

were either malnourished or

undernourished the vast majority of them

and even ones that appeared healthy were

undernourished when I looked at you know

specific nutrient levels in there in the

blood work well as I was starting to

peruse the nutrition literature I came

to information about salt and how there

was a big difference between refined

salt and unrefined salt and I mean I

didn't know this in medical school and I

learned it afterwards that we find salt

he has no minerals in it while unrefined

salt has over 80 windows in it and

particularly from the minerals mineral

side of things I realized that the vast

majority of patients were

undernourished or malnourished because

their reckoning like nutrients in the

food and one of the most important

Buddhist salt well I had been using salt

in my practice for our about twelve

years when this article came out in the

Detroit Free Press and every Tuesday and

every Tuesday in the Free Press there is

a section on health and really the

wasn't much about health the section was

truly about the latest and greatest cat

scan or MRI or her drug that was coming

out but this woman Karen Collins was a

nutrition writer always loaded Caliburn

answer questions so I was at this point

on Thursday September 28 2004 I was busy

writing my iodine book and I was

finishing it up at that point it was

ready to come out and it did come out

about a month after this and I was just

making the final changes to it and all

of a sudden this article comes out and

you can see from the question here you

see salt more helpful than regular table

salt and she gives an answer no the two

forms of salt are equally high in sodium

and sea salt offers no nutritional

advantages well I read that I got

annoyed about that I cut this article

out I taped it over my computer so I

could see it every day and every day I

saw it I got annoyed and as I was

writing my iodine book I knew what my

next book was going to be and was going

to be about salt and explain the

difference between unrefined salt and

Rickon and refined salt so whenever I

give my salt lecture I like to give

thanks to Karen Collins because it was

her article of writing this really gave

me the impetus for writing myself up so

if she's listening I doubt she is thank

you Karen Collins these are the chapters

in my self book and we won't go through

all these in the next 45 minutes but we

will cover you know what we can and you

know I will definitely give you an

overview of the important points of salt

and we can certainly take questions as

we're going on and you know I've got a

little screen here if you type in your

questions and they come through and I'll

try and answer them as we go out if not

I can answer them at the end of the talk

now you don't have to be paying too much


the mainstream media whether it be TV or

magazine or newspaper print to realize

that there is a call of late that has

really gained steam behind it to limit

salt enough food and this was an article

from the New York Times you know titled

FDA's urge to set limits for levels of

salt and food and the writing of you

know the author of this article was

writing that the high amounts of salt in

supermarket restaurant foods should be

declared unsafe by the federal

government according to a new report by

FDA well you know we'll look at this

data and see if it's really you know if

if they know what they're talking about

if they're making correct statements

about the levels of salt and food this

article from The Wall Street Journal

will salt pretzel will no sell pretzels

tastes just as good I highly doubt that

and you know I don't need a lot of you

find carbohydrates in my diet but I do

like pretzels and I really highly doubt

most all pretzel shapes is good they

need to use the white salt on these

pretzels nepna and that's what they're

not using and I'll explain what I mean

about that in just a second so I call

this section the myths of salt and this

is how I start off with the book and I

you know describe the myths of salt and

then through this talk we will dispel

these myths of salt and hopefully make

you comfortable with using what learning

about what the right kind of salt is in

your diet and learning to use the right

kind of salt in your diet so myth 1

there is no difference between refined

salt and onion honey sea salt that's

what the main network Aaron Cohen says

that's what the mainstream media says

that's what FDA says that's what the

mayor of New York said when he basically

made a statement to impose salt

restrictions on the restaurants of New

York City myth to a low salt diet is

healthy we've all heard this you've

heard it on TV heard it in print you

first probably from your doctor if you

call your doctor and your blood pressure

is slightly elevated the person will

tell you

as you need to eliminate salt in your

diet I'll show you that that's a

nonsensical statement because

eliminating salt in the diet has very

little change in blood pressure even if

we're talking about refined salt and if

you you sure certainly shouldn't

eliminate unrefined salt which we'll

talk about in fact I put most of my

hypertensive patients back on salt and

and see the blood pressure lower when

they use the right kind of salt myth 3

low salt products are better for you

well that's certainly the mayor of New

York to saying and FDA Surgeon General

but is that really true and should we

have more low sell products in our diet

I'll show you that is a myth that just

is not true

and is not going to improve our health

in fact will worsen our house so before

in the last minute I'll talk about here

is if you have salt in your diet you're

going to get hypertension that's what

the AMA and FDA mainstream media wants

you to believe and I'll just show you

that's if it's nothing more than a myth

it's just a wives tale that's repeated

over and over and it's become somehow

it's become truth in mainstream medicine

just because it's been repeat it over

and over I'll show you what happen it

started how it's got fuel behind it and

you know why it's not true so let's

start our discussion about salt you know

the first question is you know what is

salt and where does it come from and

also comes from the ocean it whether

we're talking refined salt or unrefined

salt it all had its origins from the

ocean salt beds and whether we're

talking about salt as in Utah or salt

beds in the desert they all came from

the ocean at some point in time and as

the waters receded solved some salt as

we left behind of course the largest

supply of salt in the world right now is

in the ocean but there are salt beds all

over the earth and under cities and you

know I live outside of the city of

Detroit and part of the reason Detroit

the two reasons Detroit was founded as a


as a major traveling stop as the u.s.

settled from east to west number one

because we've got water and shipping

lanes and number two it's a Donna salt

bed and the human existence always moved

different areas depending on the salt

source because humans can't live without

salt now to discuss salt you have to

know the difference between refined or

unrefined salt and if you don't know the

difference between refined and unrefined

salt I say whatever generally whatever

statements you're going to make about

salt is is a an erroneous statement so

whenever I refer to salt to my patients

I use the term unrefined salt or refined

salt to prep to preface it when I was

writing my book at some point in my book

I said from now on when I say salt I

mean unrefined salt and then when I

refer to refined salt I would say

refined salt so I would suggest for the

listeners once you're educated on this


whenever you're discussing with anybody

and if you do any questions for me


you can you find your unrefined salt to

tell me what your what your return and

just because a salt is called sea salt

doesn't mean that it's unrefined if you

go to the grocery or you can see many

types of sea salt

you know items labeled sea salt well

that means nothing it all came from the

ocean it can all be labeled sea salt and

if chin

it doesn't mean it's an unrefined salt

so we have to really clarify what we're

talking about a salt

Morton's table salt but labour

themselves and sea salt now as I said

many sea salt products on the market are

refined these are devitalized products

that should be avoided on the

marketplace but should you should avoid

you know that are available in the

marketplace and there's really no reason

to use in their diet for any condition

the earliest weapons is to solve to cut

about five thousand years ago in China

thirty five hundred years ago ancient

Egyptians recorded pictures of salt


sure's are readily available now salt

has been part of the human existence

since the beginning of time and in

ancient times before we were able to to

move items around in a easily own and

easy manner humans would only settle

where there are areas of self available

otherwise they wouldn't survive

Paracelsus said the human being must

have salt he cannot live without salt

but there is no self nothing will remain

but everything will tend to wrap so I

think that that quote certainly says it

all about salt and you know there's been

ancient writings about salt in medicine

and it's really only the last it's

really only the last hundred years

itself has been Philip I as a as a

multi-item that we should be avoiding in

our diet so for modern time salts used

for many manufacturing purposes it's

used for pulp and paper manufacturing

for salt for guys it helps record snow

and ice from the roadways storing

nuclear wastes they're always installed

mines and it's used as a food

preservative you know at this point so

we have many meters of salt right now

and but we're going to focus on the

medical uses of salt let's take a lift

one there's no difference between the

fine table salt and unrefined sea salt

most most we find salt is harvested

mechanically from various salt mines is

brain and brain simply means salt water

this brain is treated with harsh

chemicals to remove the minerals in the

in the literature in the literature or

the salt manufacturers they refer to the

minerals as impurities and so and these

impurities are removed and sold to

industry as you know minerals for

MTO's but they're really not impurity

that what should be involved is what

what our maker put in salt and what we

need as humans to get from so now as

part of the manufacturing processes

bleaching agents to improve the color

the exploring to make it white and now

they call it pure salt as the minerals

are removed and it's put in a fluidized

bed dryer to make the dry salt that

we're so used to having and here's what

you get when you use that what we've

what I'm calling pure salt and I'm

putting my fingers up in a you know in a

mode that you know I wouldn't call it

pure salt at all I would call it refined

devitalized toxic self it shouldn't be

in anyone's cabinet and if you have this

in your cabinet or your children have in

your cabinet I would tell you to remove

it yeah put the right kind of salt in

which we'll talk about

so again from the New York Times cutting

back on salt could save the u.s.

billions the study said reducing daily

intake the 1500 milligrams may say 26

billion dollars in health care costs

these numbers are picked out of the air

folks it's like The Wizard of Oz man

behind the curtain it looks like big

numbers it must be true you know they're

stating in big headlines it's in every

paper you know your doctors are saying

it I'm telling you it is the Wizard of

Oz it's natural and you know we need

Toto to pull the curtain aside so we can

see the truth behind us and I'm going to

help you see that truth behind it right

now true headlines should have said

coming back on refined salt could save

the u.s. billions I would probably agree

with that headline and tell you that

that's what that's what the focus of the

story should have been but the authors

of story don't know the difference and

unfortunately most doctors don't know

the difference between find an unrefined

salt The Wall Street Journal snack is

bad but the crackdown is unsolved and he

was basically just writing this article

about the meat mayor of New York saying

that he wants to limit salt and

restaurant foods in New York City now

for the National Academy of Sciences

food chemicals Codex sodium Floyd

monograph in 1996 this is what the salt

manufacturers used to to make their salt

they and to put their guidelines they

say up to 2% of food grade salt nicotine

anti-caking free-flowing

or conditioning agents such as sodium

ferrocyanide ammonium citrate aluminum

silicate and dextrose which is a

stabilizer to hold iodine itself it

filters sugar so think about it in that

can of Morton's table salt is up to 2%

of sodium ferrocyanide which is a toxic

item that shouldn't be for human

consumption ammonium citrate maybe

that's not effective item that shouldn't

be for human consumption either aluminum

silicate there's no reason for that to

be in anyone's food supply and you know

you certainly don't need dextrose in

salt that's not a naturally occurring

one with myself

so here's here's what's in refined salt

99% sodium and chloride up to 2% because

I mentioned before pair cyanide aluminum

silicate ammonium citrate and dextrose

in you know small amount of iodide now

we find salt because of Napolitan all

those minerals removed remember industry

call these minerals impurities and so

having all these minerals removes we

find salt is a lifeless product one of

the reasons industry does this is to

ensure a long shelf like this it has

nothing in it that can go bad and it can

sit on the Shelf literally forever it's

the reason they refined flour and

refined oils into refined sugar they

take out the items that can actually

spoil which are the natural items are

naturally occurring these food supplies

and these items consider on the shelf a

long time but certainly maximizes

profits for industry problem as it's not

good for us to eat this stuff now what

are the problems with refined salt well

as I mentioned before it's an unnatural

aquatic human body has not seen we find

salt except for about the last 100 years

a little bit less than a hundred years

so in the whole hundreds of thousands of

years of human existence human beings

human beings developed human beings

we're designed to use refined salt we

our bodies aren't even ready to use on

I'm sorry our bodies are developed to

use unrefined salt a bodies aren't

designed to use refined salt we're not

genetically programmed for it this is a

big experiment we're doing on everybody

now refines all that they mentioned

before lacks the minerals it's only got

sodium chloride and added iodine all the

other eighty minerals are the impurities

as the food industry says are gone from

it and and I've said before demons do

not evolve using salt or sodium chloride

only the toxic substances added humans

evolve over time using natural unrefined

salt with its full complement minerals

so from The Wall Street Journal that

look is about to show up that fast but

the title is too much salt takes is I

got a little box of my finger it takes a

blood pressure toll and again the

headline if it was appropriate should

have said too much salt too much refined

salt takes a blood pressure toll and

there's no question that we are probably

getting in too much with any any we find

self is too much salt we have not been

designed for this we're not used to this

and there's a our bodies don't know how

to respond to it

unrefined Sal does not been put through

various machines it's not exposed to

harsh chemicals such as chlorine and

acid and unrefined salt as a

nutrient-rich product that has a

multitude of benefits for the body this

is what we should be this is what we

should be eating is what I recommend my

patients is what I would tell you to

recommend for your families for your

grandkids for your kids for your

appearance whatever this is what humans

should be eating actually this is what

animals should be eating as well you

know animals can go up and recline

itself and can reproduce what we find

self they their genetics or program or

unrefined salt you know I've got these

little questions over I'm trying to see

them so I'm having trouble seeing them

but if I don't get to the questions

during this talk I promise we'll get to

them you know at the end of it

so Redmon's real salt is an example of a

very good unrefined salt and it's

harvested from underground lines it's

salt retains its unique mineral content

from what was naturally put in it by our

maker and it and I had it tested four

separate times it contains you know

amounts of heavy I shouldn't maybe I

shouldn't say traces but it contains no

appreciable amounts of heavy metals it's

been a clean salt tested four times by

me I've used it in my patients and got

very good results with it there are

other salts out there unrefined salt out

there but Redmon's has proven to be a

very good salt and it's got a long place

in the marketplace a long time in the

marketplace so let's do a comparison of

refined salt which is unrefined salt and

you can see here that 99% of refined

salt is sodium and chloride and then up

to 2% of the toxic element added where

the amounts are very different in the

unrefined salt you have you know

eighty-three percent sodium chloride and

the big difference is up to two percent

of trace minerals and depending and the

salt and where it comes from maybe

fourteen percent of moisture but it's

really the difference is in these two

categories that make the problem self in

the net problem salt

so here's just done a chart that I have

in my book about the major contents of

reddington's unrefined salt showing

magnesium and potassium calcium you know

significant amounts of salt and you know

all these all these good items have been

removed from the refined salt products

that are out there the pH refers to

acidity and alkalinity in the neutral

body pH is about 7.2 and all items in

the body function better at a neutral pH

that includes organs function veteran

neutral pH enzymes work better at

neutral pH vitamins minerals

Muse's themselves you know etc if

everything the body functions well at a

pH of around seven point two and I

frequently have my patients check their

pH with pH paper and I have them do

salivary PHS first thing in the morning

and if their pH is too low or too high

we take steps to figure out a why their

pH is off and B how do we need how do we

normalize it because they can absorb

vitamins federal to normal pH they can

absorb minerals better than normal pH

everything functions better at that

normal pH

the sicker patients are the more the pH

is off with many with most cases of sick

patients being acidic or low pH

so an acidic pH is associated with

chronic illnesses such as a latest

autoimmune disorders Candida cancer

hormonal imbalances and osteoporosis you

know and again generally the sick or

somebody is the lower their pH is and

one of the first things that I'll do is

to assess why their pH is low and how to

rectify that my one of my mentors in

medicine dr. Maggie dolly said an acidic

pH is a market of the absence of health

in the body and I couldn't agree more

with your statement so refined foods are

acidifying to the body that includes all

refined foods such as we find sugar

refined flour ghee and salt now these


unfortunately make up the vast majority

of our breads pasta cereals it's in

pretty much all the packaged food sold

in the majority of grocery stores around

the country these are divided because it

contains these divided alized substances

refined sugar salt and flour these are

divided I scoop it lacks vitamins

minerals and enzymes the reason of lack

these items is the manufacturing

companies know that they can sit on the

Shelf virtually forever they don't go

bad well you can think if you're going

to eat devitalized food as a major part

of your body what are you going to get

out of your help you can get the

vitalized help and illness and em and

generated lack of energy and poor health

and poor immune system functioning so

the long term ingestion of devitalized

food leads to a good vitalize body and

you know these things need to be

imported and so i know we're going to

focus on salt today but I will tell you

same holds for refined sugar and refined


I've written some part of my health

books have been on nutrition and one of

my books a guide to healthy eating I

talked about you know the importance of

avoiding these other refined items as

well minerals are one of the most

alkalizing agents of the body remember I

told you that most sick people have an

acidic ph or a low pH so one of the

things you want to do is work what I

want to do is to work to get their pH to

come up become more healthy and one of

the ways to do that is you need to

increase the mineral intake

and nearly all patients with chronic

illness are lacking in minerals and

converse of that is mineral deficiency

will lead to an acidic state so it's

it's pretty much routine in my practice

that I do check everybody's mineral

levels when they first walk in the door

and one of the things I'm very

passionate about is ensuring that my

patients have but mineral taking their

diet and adequately oil taking the

supplements and that their testing shows

that they have adequate mineral stores

and if they don't have adequate mineral


I am certainly all over them to start

working on them now you know you have to

keep in mind we find salt there's no

minerals in it unrefined salt he has

over 80 minerals in it so what do you

think which salt products can be more

alkalizing to the body you know it's not

it becomes a pretty simple question to

answer you know 30 minutes into this

talk or you might have not been able to

answer that people we started taking

before we start talking about it

sue is a patient of mine she's 61 years

old she's a hairstylist who has stage

four breast cancer she developed

numerous food allergies and couldn't

tolerate supplements was pretty ill

pretty fatigued and developed a lot of

pain for the breast cancer when I had

her check her pH of her saliva it was

consistently reading less than 6.0 which

is all the ph paper went down to now

remember normal pH is around 7.2 she was

very acidic and I asked her to take an

unrefined salt now the one I checked her

levels and their assault levels and her

blood tests were low and vermin her

levels were very low so I had to take a

half a teaspoon per day of salt and I

had her measured out we put it in a

ziplock bag and just sort of spread it

throughout the day and to get it in and

a week later pH rides rise its from less

than 6.0 to 6.6 now immediately when at

pH 1 over 6.5 for food allergies

improved and her energy improved my

experience for patients who suffer from

various allergies whether it be food

environment or environmental

is that if their ph goes above 6.5 many

of those patients allergies settle down

now they can still be allergic to that

product but because they're functioning

at a higher level they won't feel the

they won't the body won't respond to the

allergy though they'll just be

functioning at a better level so what

about mid to low salt diet is healthy

for you this Coast will check the

three-month problems with low salt diet

so I asked this I asked these two

questions start the chapter as a low

salt diet helpful or is a low salt diet

healthy and unfortunately you know

you'll I'm sure you can answer you can

probably make a guess of which way I'm

going to go with these answers of these

questions but let's show you so is it

also if I help help well conventional

physicians dietitians the AMA and most

other mainstream organizations support a

low salt diet they say a knowledge of

blood pressure that if you have blood

pressure problems is because you eat too

much salt on your diet and that the best

way to lower blood pressure is to lower

your salt intake but for the vast

majority of people also type is net

lower does not result in lowered blood

pressure at all

do low salt diet decreased blood

pressure the literature is clear only in

the select few individuals will a low

salt diet result in lower blood pressure

these are salt sensitive hypertensive

patients very rare you just don't see

many of them the vast majority of people

can lower their salt some very small

amounts in the diet it's not going to

change the blood pressure at all and

it's way less than 1% a result set with

hypertensive patients when clinical

experience has clearly shown no

elevation of blood pressure with the use

of unrefined salt as part of a holistic

treatment plan

in fact hypertensive patients have been

able to lower the blood pressure when a

low salt diet is corrected review of 56

hypertension trials show the low salt

diet had a minimal effect on blood

pressure and the vast majority of people

what you see the what effect that they

had this without pressure decline by an

average of three point seven millimeters

of mercury a diastolic pressure declined

by an average of zero point nine

millimeters of mercury and now I don't

even know how you measure these little

numbers and these little numbers are

nothing probably breathing tube breasts

could probably change those systolic

blood pressure by three point seven and

diastolic 0:49

in three thousand hypertensive patients

were studied in this research study

relationship between lost all diets and

cardiovascular mortality were looked at

and the authors reported a four hundred

and thirty percent increase in heart

attacks in a group with the lowest salt

intake versus the group of the highest

salt intake well hey that's just the

opposite of what they told us that you

lower your salt intake you know you're

going to lower your risk of hypertension

you lower your risk of heart disease why

would a four hundred and thirty percent

increase in heart attacks occur in the

group with the lowest alternative versus

a group with the highest all t-taking

remember these people weren't studying

the difference between refined and

unrefined salt they were just looking at

everybody with refined salt in the day

I'll answer that question coming up well

if you recall when Bill Clinton was

running for his second election and

who's behind in the polls

you hire James Carville to common

manages campaign and James Carville told

Clinton it's the economy stupid and

collecting focused on the economy and be

won reelection

at that point well the answer to the

question is simple if you say to

yourself it's the mineral stupid when I

started using unrefined salt in my

practice about 18 to 20 years ago I

started to see patients with high blood

pressure lower the blood pressure I

started to see patients with

fibromyalgia and other body pains and

headaches and things like that where the

pains will get better as soon as I

started to use refined salt in the diet

I saw patients with headaches and

migraine headaches have their headaches

markedly decrease or go away when they

started to use and refined salt from

their products I started to do some

research and looking at their mineral

levels and it was almost like I hit

myself in the water and said it's the

minerals dummy it's the minerals and

salt that gives you the best effect that

I should have realized that before but

that's real the real benefit of

unrefined salt comes in and that takes

us to myth 3 low salt products are

better for you if we look at the

correlation between minerals and

cardiovascular mortality low salt diet

predispose to mineral deficiency that

includes calcium magnesium and potassium

it also depletes B vitamins this has

been shown in many research studies and

many studies that confirm that mineral

vitamin deficiencies have been

associated with increases in incidence

and mortality of cardiovascular disease

most salt tax has been to shown to been

shown to cause significant increases in

both total cholesterol and LDL

cholesterol my clinical experience has

clearly shown lipid has improved when

unrefined salt is added it's part of a

holistic treatment regimen now elevated

insulin levels of ultimate associated

with an increase in cardiovascular risk

and this is you know if you if you look

around in our country and see how heavy

we've become we've become heavy because

we're eating all this refined food that


our insulin blood sugar curve on and

we're producing or producing we're

eating too much refined sugar and

refined oil and we find salt which is

throwing off our insulin regulation body

and causing our body to store fat this

is resulting in a epidemic of type 2

diabetes and unless we get a hold of

this I suggest that this freight train

of type 2 diabetes that's coming down

the tracks is going to overwhelm our

country fiscally and I say that if Osama

bin Laden was really smart you would

have just left up to ourselves because

we're going to eat ourselves into

financial ruin unless we change some of

our dietary habits now he's elevated

insulin levels associated with as I said

diabetes obesity hypertension they're

all respecters for heart disease insulin

increases in the presence of a low salt

diet it's been shown in numerous studies

including the study I've cited here from

the Journal of internal medicine so load

salt diets can lead to pH problems

acidity increase incidence of

cardiovascular disease and mortality

poor lipid profiles minimal vitamin D

imbalances and accumulation of toxic

items in the body so why would anyone

want to eat a low salt diet why would

anyone want to promote a little salt day

the only reason they're promoting a low

salt diet is out of ignorance they have

no clue that's what the research

actually states it so it's a little salt

diet helpful is it healthy answer is no

way no soul diets fail to lower blood

pressure and the vast majority of people

and the blood pressure lowering effect

of low salt diet is minimal and low self

diets have been associated with adverse

outcomes including making the body more

acidic mineral deficiencies or lipid

parameters and increase insulin

a human body was designed to require and

utilize unrefined salt to maintain a

normal blood pressure make food

palatable and supply the body with an

adequate supply of minerals

and that brings me to chapter four in my

book hypertension itself because I know

there's already question being asked

about hypertension themselves so let's

cover that myth for salt equals

hypertension the inter salt study this

was a study that really gave the impetus

behind the US government's push to lower

our salt intake and this occurred in

1984 and really since that time it's

like a freight train of lots of station

and it's more momentum behind it than

can you know that you can imagine and

that's really where the claims of eating

a low salt diet are healthy for your

diet has started from so let's look back

at this interest all study and see what

it really said it was 10,000 subjects

they were adults 52 centers were studied

over 39 countries it was a worldwide

study the researchers looked at the

relationship between blood pressure and

electrolyte excretion in the urine

electrolyte excretion was based with

sodium levels in the urine and a higher

salt intake will result in a larger

amount of sodium excreted in the urine

so across the population centers for

population centers had significantly

lowered salt in their diet and in these

top four population centers a had

significantly lowered blood pressure and

the blood pressure in these four centers

did not increase with age we're in every

other Center as the population age that

blood pressure naturally went up so

researchers and academics seized on

these results as a smoking gun that

elevated salt was associated with

elevated blood pressure and really

that's what happened when the Surgeon

General shortly after the studies will

was released when a national TV to talk

about why we need to lower our salt

intake as a country and won't have any

blood pressure problems so what were

these four centers they had Lola salt

intake and Lois blood pressure they were

yawn enamel Indians as Ingo tribe a

tribe in Kenya and a tribe in Papua New

Guinea these four centers were from nan

acculturated populations they were all

jungle people they didn't drink alcohol

there was no obesity in this population

and this population did not live to old

age they lived to a young age most of

them died in the early 50s so maybe

their blood pressure didn't go up

because they didn't

I now the young animal Indians are

interesting to me a study done at the

University of Michigan and my

anthropology professor was one of the

first anthropologists to visit beyond

namo Indians and we had written a book

on the animal Indians and made us read

his book which was not a great book but

anyways I learned more about the animal

Indians and maybe I wanted to know but

the and enamel Indians just like all

those acculturated people rarely live

beyond 50 years old

they don't drink alcohol and they

generally do not have obesity in their

population is this what we really want

to base the inter-cell recommendations

for the rest of the world now there's no

question that obesity and alcohol Nick

have been shown in many studies

including the intra salt study to

correlate with the development of

hypertension I say that perhaps a lack

of elevated blood pressure in these four

groups or from the absence of obesity

now voluntary or perhaps a lack of

elevated blood pressure was because they

didn't live that long now further

research into salt 57 trial reviewed

over twenty five year period and the

authors found individuals of normal

blood pressure were put on low sodium

diet resulted in the decline of systolic

blood pressure of one point two seven

millimeters of mercury and decline of

diastolic pressure of 0.5 four

millimeters of mercury

not much let me tell you when you put

someone on a low salt diet they're

miserable the food tastes terrible

they're they get hungrier they generally

get heavier they generally are eating

more food because it doesn't doesn't

taste right to them and they're looking

for the right taste in food and they're

generally happy people so so why would a

low salt diet be promoted it promotes

problems with cholesterol LDL

cholesterol triglycerides insulin

greenin angiotensin and aldosterone it

results in an increase in each one of

those factors and we don't want to

increase in our diet now the interesting

thing is we have drugs to treat each one

of these things as they increase so

perhaps there's a nefarious reason why

these little guys are being promoted

because there's all these drugs out

there that can treat these things

so when you look at this slide you see

the things the low salt increases I'd

ask the question why are well salted I'd

still recommend it

Barbara is a secretary of mine 53 years

old she's been on a little salt bag for

10 years she came into the office one

day and she was had a sallow look on her

face of Barbara usually doesn't have a

cell or look on her face and I said

what's wrong

Barbara said that she went to her doctor

he measured a blood pressure told her

blood pressure was 165 over hundred and

that she needed a blood pressure pill he

wrote the prescription out he spent

under five minutes with her and told her

you're gonna be on the threat to your

life I'll see you back in six months so

she wasn't happy about that so I drew

some blood tests and Barbara she had a

sodium level of 137 which was low I say

the sodium level should be at least 141

on patients she also had low levels of

magnesium calcium and potassium and

testing and low levels of vitamin C and

D for what did I recommend for Barbara I

gave her half a teaspoon of unrefined

sea salt about 10 grams per day I gave

her a multivitamin multi-mineral

supplement I put her on vitamin C I told

to eliminate we find foods including not

only we find Saul to add or eliminate

refined oils you find flour and refined

sugar within two weeks are starting a

treatment of blood pressure felt 110

over 70 Barbara had an increasing your

energy she did not need her blood

pressure medication for five years later

now she's still have been taking her

blood pressure medication and the blood

pressure is still stayed lower now low

salt diets also cause problems

you know I multiple diets will

predispose people to getting

cardiovascular disease

twenty-nine hundred mile to moderate

hypertensive subjects were studied at a

24-hour urinary excretion of sodium

potassium creatinine renal or measured

efforts almost four years of follow-up a

400% increase in heart attacks and men

and the lowest versus the highest sodium

intake group women there was no

difference so for the

for the Governor of New York I mean for

the mayor of New York for the AMA for

the FDA and all these nonsensical groups

to call for a low-salt diet because it's

going to improve our cardiovascular

status the literature doesn't even

support them the National Health and

Nutrition Examination Survey is a study

done by the US government where they

measure the mineral intake of a cross

population of about eight to ten

thousand Americans from east to west and

north to south and extrapolate those

numbers of nationally what they're

looking for our nutritional intake

vitamins minerals and toxic elements in

our bodies after thirty years of health

and Haines data they've clearly shown

that mineral levels are correlated with

elevations of blood pressure in fact

treating elevated blood pressure is

impossible without first evaluating and

replenishing the body's mineral stores

my feeling is the first time you told

your blood pressure's high you should

have you should have an evaluation

undertaken that looks at your mineral

and vitamin status because usually they

have one of the signals that your body

is catching this off and television your

blood pressures are as a reason to

profuse your body because the perfusion

has gone down due to your lack of

minerals so why is everything confusing

why are these people saying you don't

need salt and salt we'll know your blood

pressure and here I'm saying just the

opposite but most of the studies have

only looked at refined salt intake in

its relation to blood pressure they

don't look at unrefined salt now even

when you look at refined salt the same

study holds true that you lower the salt

intake you don't think we should

cardiovascular risk you don't decrease

blood pressure in the vast majority

people and there's really no good

clinical effect to it except for and

well it's not an exception well the

clinical results of lower and salt is

increase insulin triglycerides

green-energy attention and things like

that that all require medicines you can

remember that refined salt as a divided

alized product that is no use in our

diet it's used leads to mineral multiple

mineral deficiencies as well as an

imbalance and sodium with mineral intake

with different minerals and unrefined

salt with its full capital many minerals


it's all the choice so how much salt

should you take I say don't use any

refined so it's related to the amount of

water consumed about 1/4 teaspoon of

unrefined salt for every quart of water

and just food and I do a lot of work

with hormone balancing and reparations

and if the initial workup everyone gets

a hormonal evaluation because I see so

many patients out there suffering with

hormonal imbalances and if the hormone

system is imbalanced I find that their

immune system can optimally function

they can't feel the best well my

experience is clearly shown that

unrefined salt provides the proper

balance minerals for nourishing the

endocrine system and minerals are

necessary for the entire endocrine

glands to function optimally and in fact

my experience is clearly shown that

unrefined salt improves all fibroid

disorders in and in my thyroid book I

write the 42 up from somewhere between

40 to 60 percent of our population is

suffering from thyroid problems and the

consequence of these thyroid problems

are heart attacks fatigue fibromyalgia

chronic fatigue syndrome cancer know

everything that's afflicting us right

now so I'm going fine so it should be

the solvent choice there's no reason to

use refined salt for any purpose and

Redman salt is a good unrefined salt

it's proven it's work in my practice and

I'm sure when you start adding unrefined

salt into your diet it's your family's

diet you'll see good results of your

help so these are again are the chapters

in the book I know we couldn't go

through all that today but I hope I gave

you something to think about with salt

and if you're interested in more you

know this is my book soldier way to help

you can get that from the Redman company

you can also get that from my website

which is dr. Brown's new calm and I'll

stay for questions and I certainly hope

I given you something salty to think

about and you know how to use salt in

your family and why you should use the

right kind of salt and why you should

ask the questions

are we talking about refined salt or

unrefined salt now that you know the

difference you can refer to it

appropriately and clean your cupboards

out of the run salt and get the right

salt in your house so thank you for time

and I'll be able to take questions all

right thanks so much thank you dr.

Brownstein for that presentation that

kind of concludes our formal

presentation part of our webinar and I

want to remind you that we will be

having a question and answer period of

time so as questions come in into your

mind of course you have that opportunity

to write them down or to ask the

questions online also if you have

questions an easy way for you to do that

is to raise your hand that's next to

your name and we'll see that you have a

question and we can we can go right to

you for questions that we'll be having

in just a moment I want to remind you

also that a recorded copy of this

webinar including the question and

answer period that we'll be having here

in just a few minutes are is available

for viewing on the website at Agra best

feeds who is the course so one of our

sponsors here tonight at WWE our best

feeds com is their website that you can

go and listen to any previous webinars

and also sign up for webinars I'll show

you that in just a moment as well

and speaking of sponsors one of our

other sponsors tonight is real salt and

we are pleased to have with us

Darrell Bouchard with Redmond trading

company real salt 2 here to explain more

about the Redmond Trading Company in the

real salt products and Darrell if you

are ready I'm going to turn this over to

you for a few comments as well thanks

God we have sure enjoyed being here

tonight with dr. Brownstein and sure

appreciate all of the comments he has

said the redmond company has a couple of

different divisions the one that we've

talked most about tonight is our food

product which deals with you know human

nutrition like dr. David Brownstein was

just talking about we also have our

natural division that's more for the

cattle and livestock and equine

industries and and of course that's

where Agri vest comes into play but just

real briefly wanted to talk on two

things first we have a lot of people


where this deposit comes from this real

salt that was mentioned tonight it's

actually from an ancient seabed

that was laid down long ago before any

of us were around and the nice thing

about that is it's a deposit you can see

a picture of the the mine here and it's

been protected from all of the elements

and the the pollutions we have today and

that has an incredible flavor and all

the essential minerals that were

discussed by dr. Brownstein so it's a

very great tasting healthy salt and just

like you should be using it for your own

use it's the one that's you should have

for all of your animals as well just in

closing we do have a few other fun

redmond products that we sell we have a

bentonite clay that we use for just

about everything that's a whole other

seminar and we have a coconut oil we

bring in from Kenya so but we appreciate

all of those that have joined us tonight

and Scott unless you have any questions

I'll turn the time back over to you all

right - appreciate that and we're

thankful to have our sponsors here

tonight there without our sponsors of

course it's kind of tough to put these

kind of webinars on at this at this

level and this caliber and we're place

to have a have our sponsors here tonight

and again just to recap our sponsors

Agra best feeds as well as the real salt

and if you have questions in regards to

either one of those of course there's

that opportunity that we'll be able to

ask them questions as well we're going

to go ahead and take this opportunity

now to open it up for questions if you

do have a question I know several of you

have voiced questions through the type

into the question area we'll get to

maybe some of those as well you'll you

also have the opportunity to ask

questions by just next to your name you

can press the little hand button and

we'll know that you have a question and

we can go right to you and you can ask

your question over in front for in front

of everybody here so they can everybody

can hear the question a lot of times

that helps to lead into other discussion

in other areas as well so I do encourage

you to go ahead and do that as well I

want to remind you that is as we talked

about some of the different products

here tonight and the books

that we that we went over here today dr.

Brownstein there's a ways that you can

get those products of course if you were

invited by a dealer or somebody that

sells these products be sure to ask them

as well for these products that you can

you can purchase that from them the

course aggravates feeds website to

provides a lot of information in which

you can order information and get hooked

up with leaders maybe close to you we do

have a pretty wide variety of folks

joining us tonight from about 14

different states all across the country

so we welcome all of you and believe

this we look at some of our questions

here tonight there's going to be some

things in there that you can pull aside

and and utilize a course so with that

let's now now take this opportunity for

questions I don't see anybody

necessarily with their hands up but I do

see that we do have some questions in

our in in the then so column here I'm

going to take a look at some of these

the one question this is from Linda

Schillinger out of Illinois and here is

the question I'll go ahead and ask it

over ere because it's probably

applicable to or useful for other folks

as well is the question is will

unrefined salt be good to reduce edema

the side effects of the medicine taken

are not good would like to get off the

medicine if Redman salt would help

how should real salt be recommended what

is the motivation behind people saying

cut down on salt so kind of several

questions in there and I know a lot of

our panelists can see those questions so

I'm going to throw that out there and

for our presenters here tonight dr.

Brownstein do you want to have a first

chance at asking your and answering some

of those questions or recapping and

you'll probably some of those you

touched on through your topic but

through your presentation tonight but

maybe to recap on some of those as well

well take the last part of the question

B I think that there is a nefarious

reason for promoting these low salt diet

is because it messes people's insulin

and lipid panels and angiotensin and

rhenium levels and causing their

triglycerides to go up and there is

levels go up and become diabetic and

their then their blood pressure starts

to rise when they go on these little

self dies or reduce the salt from the


and there's a whole bunch of medications

to treat each of those problems out

there so there is certainly a big pharma

cartel reason to support and promote low

salt diet now is the first part of the

question about edema I find many people

get a feminist with refined salt I

finally do not get a dentist's with

unrefined salt and very rarely will

somebody develop a team of unrefined

salt and when they eliminate refined

salt from the diet will name and

unrefined salt in your diet many times

the female goes away okay appreciate

that oh we have some other panelists

joining us as well so I'm going to flip

over now and Neil the chard is joining

us as a panelist and Neil you wanted to

kind of meet you offer a few more

comments as well to to lend this

question yeah am i if I think I'm on

right now yeah you're on tremely

water-retention I've had many many women

tell me that the Redmond real salt

helped reduce their water retention in

fact I've had some of them tell me that

the Redmond real thought was the best

diuretic they had ever found well my my

experience with my patients have been

very similar the what's happened is that

one of the reasons the the capillaries

get leaky and you get edema is lack of

minerals can't hold the blood inside the

blood vessels the small blood vessels

the capillaries where it needs to go and

when you increase that it's called

osmolarity and just put more minerals in

the circulation that and then you

strengthen the blood vessels they'll

stop their leaking so it doesn't I don't

I wouldn't really refer to it as a

diuretic effect I would refer to a more

as a healing effect the end result is

the same the edema goes away and little

vessel stop leaking and it's really just

a semantic thing whether you know I say

it doesn't have a diuretic effect or you

do but the end result is the edema goes

away and people feel better that's been

the same experience I've had with my


all right great question appreciate it

we'll go to Linda again your Scalia yes

your hands race so I'm going to have you

asked your question unmuting your

microphone and you can go ahead and ask

your question here okay so this lady

she's in her 60s and and she called

today about this real salt should she

then maybe take a half a teaspoon each

day she has edema or should she just get

her white salt out of her her refined

salt out of her home and just start

using unrefined well there's there's no

question that the for everybody out

there I don't care what their medical

problems are they should avoid refined

salt or get it out of their diet and

switch it to unrefined salt period

having said that each patient needs to

be you know under the best circumstances

the patient should be evaluated if their

mineral levels check and see where they

fall but you know look that's it's not

going to happen for a lot of people but

there's no question in my mind that I

tell the vast majority of my patients

they're new patients that see me whether

they have disease or they're healthy to

come in you know from the beginning when

I drill their levels their mineral

levels and their salt levels I tell the

vast majority of them they're

self-sufficient and from my definition

of salt when I use the term salt if I if

I say the word salt to you or you know

I'm lecturing to doctors I always I

always tell them right after the lecture

starts when I use the word salt I'm

using the word unrefined salt so if

you're not getting unrefined salt in

your diet by my definition yourself

deficient you know if you're not if

you're not purposely putting in your

diet or eating food with it in it then

you're only eating food with refined

salt or you're eating a low salt diet so

therefore by my definition of salt

deficient and you need to put salt in

your day we function better than a

headache with refined salt and I'm sorry

we function better with unrefined salt

and using adequate amounts in our day

that's how we were designed that's what

our genetic machinery requires that's

what our maker design is for that's why

we have salt receptors all of our

tongues and why we

we want salt in our food so those that

haven't had unrefined salt when you

start eating Redman salt and start

cooking with it your food tastes totally

different we'll never go back to refined

so because you're you'll start to

realize that really had a tinny aluminum

metallic taste to it that's not there in

Redman salt Redman salt makes food taste

better all right okay thank you

all right thanks Linda Linda from

Illinois joining us here tonight so

thanks for your question we do

appreciate that

again just all you have to do ask

questions raise your hand next to your

name we'll know that you have a question

we can call on you and and we'll go from


one other question dr. Brownstein that

we've got this coming through one of our

panelists here Brandon foot that is

joining us with tonight the question is

in your experience how many minerals are

in blood of healthy people well there's

hundreds of minerals and the blood of

health there's hundreds of minerals in

the blood of everybody you know the the

there's optimal ranges of these things

and they're suboptimal ranges the

problem I'm finding with the vast

majority of people is they're usually

you know life is not compatible with

many of these minerals if you have zero

I mean you just we can't live our

enzymes don't function normally or

whatever we'll run into problems people

generally don't have zero they just have

suboptimal mouths of these things and

you know when you have suboptimal mouths

the immune system doesn't function right

the the organ systems don't function

right and it sets a stage up for disease

so really that's what I'm talking about

okay thank you so much appreciate that

again we want to give everybody the

opportunity to ask questions so as

you're thinking about questions go ahead

and raise your hand or us you can type

them out we can go to you that way as

well what you're thinking of those

questions that you want to add a couple

words here from our sponsors tonight and

we've hit that a couple times our

sponsors Agra best feeds that are

revolutionising the livestock supplement

industry by improving animal health and

forge utilization while saving you money

and they are proud to introduce new

nutritional technology that is a

distillers grain based super fuel for

livestock they've got the sweet Pro for

cattle and the equi

right for horses unlike no other

supplements these products are not sugar

based which means no molasses and they

contain a booster called pro biotene

which improves feed digestibility by 25

percent Agra best feeds also carries the

Redman sea salt for livestock and humans

Redman sea salt as we've heard here

tonight a little bit about it all

natural unrefined product the real salt

product that we've heard some of the

benefits about here tonight as well for

more information about Agra best feed

sweet Pro equal pride and the Redman

salt products you can stop in to their

world headquarters in Billings Montana

at and visit in their or course on the

web at Agra best feeds dot-com Agra best

feeds super fuel for horses and cattle

also our other sponsor tonight real salt

they're an all-natural kosher certified

sea salt extracted from deep within the

earth crushed screen and packaged unlike

real salt other sea salts appear unlike

other other salts real salt is with

other salts that are filled with

silicates dextrose and other additives

that is not the case with real salt and

you will see for yourself when you take

a look so ask yourself is your salt real

full of flavor natural goodness the way

salt was meant to be savored experience

the goodness of real salt for more

information go to their website at real

salt calm well with that we're going to

ask some more questions here tonight and

irv haidle is joining us who is the

president of Agri vest feeds in Irv I'm

going to unmute your microphone and you

can or you can go ahead now and ask your

question I have a question with regards

to for dr. Bronstein would it be a

healthy practice to I saw on one point

they're adding a quarter of a teaspoon

of salt two quart of water would that be

a healthy practice too for anyone to use

on a daily basis

all right first off tell me where you're

from and I'll answer your question and

this period where did you get the

quarter tea

a quart of water I thought I saw that in

the presentation maybe that was on a

particular prescription that you had

given I'm not sure I thought it was I

saw that in your prescription that you

know I've been promoting that for a long

time that's I was wondering if that's

where you got it from yeah that's about

right about a quarter teaspoon for port

of water and one of the ways that you

can ensure that you get the right amount

of salty there's a data to your water as

you're drinking it during the day or

what I sometimes have patients do is

generally most patients I tell them 1/2

to 1 teaspoon throughout the day and

I'll tell them to put it in a ziploc bag

and just sort of carry with them and

then either eat it during day put it on

your food or put it in a water supply

but either way that's about the right

amount dude all right any other

questions out there we want to give

everybody opportunity here to ask ask

your questions tonight you can do it a

couple ways of course raise your hand

next to your name or you can type your

question out as well I have a question

even I have a question for Agri vest I

the endl fed with unrefined salt from

the diet that industry-wide that is true

that the refined salt by excuse me

refined salt is what is used widely in

the industry and as we have become

acquainted with the Redman sea mineral

salt and have understood the benefits of

the minerals and neck and that synergy

that's in the Redman product for example

we are seeing and of course are

promoting vigorously the use of it in

livestock all classes of livestock and

quite frankly for many of the same

health reasons of course in some cases

not as defined as we have with humans

but the the response health response

would be very similar in

in livestock so we are promoting and we

do not even sell the refined salt at all

we promote only the unrefined salt

minerals what we find felt recommended

for livestock in the past could you

repeat that again

was was refined salt recommended for

livestock in the past yes and it still

it still is the salt that is mostly

recommended in the feed industry today

the refined salt is yes but that is

beginning to change as the benefits such

as the Redman are becoming a being

documented and actually the use out on

these ranches and the benefit that we're

seeing with the use of the the unrefined

salt the benefits are very obvious so I

think that's why we're so excited about

promoting it both in livestock and of

course in the human side as law so I

would I would I would state to the

listeners out there and to Agri best if

you guys have any as you get information

in or articles come out or people write

in about their change with their animals

with going from refined to unrefined so

I'd be interested in that and certainly

use that in my work and my writings

because I know just as I see the changes

in humans you have to see the changes

and animals and they have to do better

and they have to have a better immune

system and a better you know ability to

grow to the right size and to you know

function better with the right kind of

salt in their diet their certain is

already quite a number of what I'd call

testimonials in duplicating traded

testimonials of these various health the

benefits of using the unrefined salt and

I'm sure that Redmond and of course

aggravates law would be very eager to


and any of this information to you for

year is for you to see some correlations

between livestock and humans in that

regard we can sure do that great alright

great discussion appreciate that Neil

bechard of course with Redman is joining

us we heard from him just a moment ago

and Neil we're going to go back to you

maybe add a little bit more comment to

this the discussion we were just having

in regards to the refined salt versus

unrefined salt on the animal feed side

of the industry yes I that's an

interesting question that that thought

that question has never entered into the

minds of anybody in the feed industry

dr. Brownstein is in the forefront you

know in the health food arena and he's

not even on the radar of the of the feed

industry they only well they think salt

is salt there's only one kind and so

they have no concept in the feed

industry of unrefined salt and so this

is a this is something that we at


I think should do it better should do

more and and promote in the feed

industry but dr. Brownstein has been

doing here you know we've been selling

you know the concept of redmond and its

benefits and it's true that you know we

have a stack of letters you know several

feet deep from livestock people who say

that their livestock model not only

prefer the resin to any other salt but

then you know they they come back with

health benefits

you know these minerals tip the scales

the animals favor and the the livestock

find the the livestock owners find the

health benefits coming to the animals

just like dr. Brownstein has been

talking about for people and and so we

have been you know promoting and saying

okay you know these benefits come with

redmond rather than distinguishing

redmond the benefits coming because of

refined salt we've simply said they come

because of redmond salt but it is

something that we should do if we could

you know educate the industry that you


the key is the unrefined idea that that

would be good let's do that alright

great comments appreciate that Neil

thanks for joining us also tonight we're

going to go to a question we've got an

apologize patty if I say your last name

not correct here but patty min rich out

of late Lake st. Louis Missouri and

patty I'm going to go ahead and unmute

your microphone and you can go ahead and

ask your question now yes I have 11 year

old son who gets a sinus headaches or

allergy headaches and he seems to be

pretty healthy and also my husband and

me we moved to Missouri and we seem to

get the bold word I guess our new system

is where are we get the light headedness

and I also got nauseated will the seesaw

help that and if so for my son can he

take it and if so how much well not only

can he take it you should be taking it

you should all be taking it will it help

it yes it will help you it'll make your

immune system stronger but the other

thing you can do is use the Redman salts

is present part of a nasal rinse and we

use these rhino horns at our office

which are these plastic devices that you

fill with warm water and you put a scoop

of unrefined salt in and then you rinse

the sinuses out with them and it works

fabulous for you know people with

chronic sinus issues where the refined

salt just stuff

alright thanks for your question Patti

it was one other question yeah can you

give us two dogs well yeah you can give

it the dogs now the prop moving Lance

that question about a grow best is that

I was wondering what they're putting in

these animal feeds and you know I fog

and we buy organic food for her and I

you know I got a look on the label

I have given my dog salt of course my

dog seems to have the most sensitive

stomach on the side of the Mississippi

and we got to be careful about how much

salt we give her because she doesn't

seem to tolerate it quite as well so I

don't know if she's getting too much in

her food that we can't give her extra or

not but animals should have unrefined

salt in their diet dogs included and I

have one other question my pH balance I

had a really bad injury foot injury last

year so I was pretty much laid up and

then couldn't walk for about five months

and then another three months and I

wasn't eating healthy and I'm a pretty

healthy person but I kind of went

downhill and my pH balance I just had my

bloodwork done was eight point eight

point zero I guess and I started taking

them on real soft will this tremendously

start getting better real soon

and it also what was the pH of the way

what was your pH eight they said it was

I hate yeah from what what did they

measure it in I I don't know I just said

it was really high that's why my

nutritious put me on sea salt but he

didn't tell me what kind so I just did

my research by itself and that's why I'm

listening to y'all and I just happen to

get it I'm a purist I don't know what

kind of pH it's not the blood pH because

it's not measured normally okay I took

blood work and he just said my ph

balance is really high I'm not sure what

that means but how I to think adding you

know unrefined salt should be part of

the diet and it can unrefined salt

raises pH a

today would be your pH is too high and I

doubt that's the case you know I just

you don't see that very often in people

so I'm just not quite sure what kids are

talking about with that okay they just

he just said a peak my pH balance and he

seven seven people's imbalance that he

probably meant your pH was imbalance and

needed to go higher I'm assuming that's

the vast majority of people yeah he said

he's I think he said you know I was in

balance in here yeah he said I was

imbalanced a little bit and that this

sea salt would nurture my body I think

it's a good thing to add into your diet

okay okay thank you

all right thanks patty thanks for

joining us tonight as well we welcome

you on tonight's webinar appreciate your

question and as well so we have a some

more questions out there before we go to

Marian Neil you had a comment in regards

to dogs and salt are you there Neil yes

I think the listeners would get a kick

out of this story years ago we had an

employee who had a little house dog at

home and and this guy worked out in our

warehouse so you know he banged salt

with us the surgery you know night he'd

go home and of course you know had salt

dust on his shoes and his little house

dog would just spend the night licking

his shoes and so one night he thought

what you know this dogs must be really

salt deficient so for he went to his

covered he had a kind of container of

morton salt in his container these this

was back in the 1964 we were doing salt

for people so he poured some morton salt

out in his hand or well white we find

salt out of his hand and offered to the

little dog and the dog wouldn't lick it

but then he took some of our unrefined

salt and put that in his hand and

offered hats with his little dog and who

had been licking his shoes and he

offered it undefined salt in his hand

and the little dog went to licking that

so that little dog could definitely tell

the difference and had a preference for

the unrefined salt

good appreciate the appreciate that

alright we've got some more questions

here we're going to go and Marion Rhodes

is joining us and she asked her question

actually typed her question out I'm

going to ask it over Boulder air here

and we'll throw it out there for our

presenter panelist here and that is that

she's taken thyroid medication out for

25 years and started using real salt for

four months and since that time she has

cut her medication in half I guess it's

more of a statement here rather than a

than a question here tonight but that

was maybe a testimonial from her side of

it that been taking medication for

thyroid for 25 years and since adding

real salt into her diet now has cut her

medication in half and so dr. Brownson

okay you adding any more comments in

regards to that or not what happens is

as the mineral levels come up by rate

functions better and she's able to lower

if I read those I totally agree with

that that's been my experience as well

alright appreciate that thank you Mary

appreciate you being on tonight's

webinar as well any other questions out

there we want to give everybody ample

opportunity of course for any questions

that you might have want to remind you

too that for any recordings of previous

webinars that we've had that Agra best

feeds has been able to be a part of that

you can go to their website and of

course there you can see on your screen

is their website WWE Agra best feeds

comm and there you can go on and you can

go in here to our links section right

here and follow along as I as I do that

and that'll if we scroll down in here we

can see various different things one one

thing to point out there is a spot in on

their website here if you're wanting

more information about the Redmond

natural trace minerals there is a video

that you can watch and see a little bit

more in regards to the Redmond natural

trace minerals as we were talking

earlier here tonight in regards to

animal feed that video there of course

is a good opportunity to go and and look

and learn a little bit more about that

also course sign up for their newsletter

you'll hear about any upcoming webinars

that they will be having at a course at

the top of the screen there as you can

see where my

cursors that as I'm moving around that


that's for their monthly producer

webinars that are they're going on each

each month we have a cattle focus

webinar and a horse focus webinar II our

sponsors for tonight's webinar we do

have another question out there I'm

going to go to Dan temporarily and Dan

I'm going to unmute your microphone and

now you can ask your question all right

are you there Dan

I see you've asked your question you

typed it out here so I'll go ahead and

go ahead and ask it for a year Mike your

mic is unmuted so if you do want to talk

you're more than welcome to but I'm

going to go ahead and ask your question

and his question is this and that is how

should you take the salt so that you

know you are getting at least a half a

teaspoon a day putting half a teaspoon

of water is is that oh he wants to know

is putting a half a teaspoon in water is

that okay to mix in water sure you know

you know how much you're getting because

what I tell patients is I'll check their

blood tests until ask them how much

they're using if they don't know I'll

have them start measuring it and then

it's nice to know how much you're adding

in because then you can adjust it up or

down depending on what your blood tests

show but sure certainly you can add a

half a teaspoon of water and sip it

throughout the day

my suggestion is not to take it all at

once it's it's really you can do it that

way too

but I think it's better to spread it out

throughout the day you can put in food

you can eat it you can put in water it

doesn't matter all right

great question thanks Dan have any more

questions just don't be afraid to raise

your hands one quick kind of a question

that was thrown out here and that is is

swimming in the ocean water or drinking

small amounts of ocean water beneficial

in terms of getting your salt minerals

into the body so who's there to go the

question is is swimming in ocean water

or drinking a small amount of ocean

water beneficial to you in terms of

getting the salt and minerals into your

body No

um you don't absorb minerals through the

skin in any appreciable amounts and

ocean water has salt in it but the salt

content is way too low to get it from

the water and there's other things in

ocean water that aren't healthy so now

that's not a way to get the salt in your

body all right all right we're going to

go to Linda Schillinger now and Linda

I'm going to unmute your microphone you

have some questions you can ask on oh

yeah of a couple two for the doctor um

we had bought one of those neti pots for

my son he has a lot of nasal congestion

and things and I wanted to use the

Redman in that pot I wondered how much

salt I should put in to do the nasal

cleanse it's about an eighth of a

teaspoon okay you could just put a pinch

in there or two pinches in there if you

don't have an eighth of a teaspoon okay

and if I want to do a detox I have some

Kairos talking about using salt as the V

tox how much do I use for a body detox

well that quarter teaspoon of salt four

quart of water is not a bad way to go

you know I also have patients Dave with

it they did a couple unrefined salt and

you know and then then put that quarter

teaspoon in each quart of water so

that's very helpful to us okay and then

for Redmond um I can't

I recall you guys saying something about

when they did an analysis on blood and

then they did the analysis of the red in

thought it was a certain percentage of

correlation there uh can someone talk

about that a little bit

I don't know where as far as the this is

Darrell from Edmond the correlation

exactly from the two however as dr. Beth

Dukakis presentation natural salts have

all the mineral that occur in the right

ratios that occur in the body so we

haven't done you know salt to blood

analysis on our salt specifically but

there are a lot of studies out there

that do linked to dr. Brownson probably

could talk more to that than I could

there's definitely there's not a lot of

study that undefined salt most of the

studies are in replying solved there

there are Studies on some mineral and

hand salt but it's not unrefined salt so

unfortunately there's not a lot of

studies I quote the ones that are there

in my book but it's just not a well

studied topic I can just tell you

clinically how it responds in my

patients which has been positive okay

thank you all right Brenden foot is

joining us and i'm going to unmute him

he's going to add a few comments here as

well go ahead Brandon I've unmuted you

there okay Thank You Linda I'm probably

the one who has made you want all meant

about it that research comes from dr.

motored Murray's book sea energy

agriculture also charles walters did a

book on similar information called

energy from the open deep ocean deep or

something like that so you know that's

where that information comes from and

they do say in there from from their

research that ocean water and and blood

in humans is very similar - the

hemoglobin or blood plasma something

like along those lines so that's where

that comes from that's when I thought

I'd heard it from you guys but I just

wondered okay thanks all right thanks

Linda thanks Brandon for adding that

comment as well Linda from Illinois I

said earlier Dan asking our question

earlier from Norfolk Nebraska so it's

good to have folks all across the

country joining us here tonight for our

webinar we're going to go to herb haidle

with agra best

to add a few comments right now Irvine

you're ready to go

yes dr. Brownstein I have another

question with regards to the use of the

unrefined salt in asthma as I've read in

some different location that there might

be some benefit there for the asthma

asthma patient

what's your info on that no question I

wrote about that in my book I have

asthma whenever I start to wheeze or for

the asthma kicks up the first thing I

reach for is a quarter teaspoon of salt

in a glass of water and most attended

wheezing we'll stop ahead the salt has

properties to thin out mucous membranes

and to relax Airways that become

spasmodic thank you

all right thanks herb herb is the

president of Agra best feeds we think

Agra best feeds of course for being one

of our sponsors for tonight's webinar

and been one of the distributors here

marketing the sweet bro products a

course for for livestock and of course

then as well the real salt and the salt

to Redman salt products as a

distributing they've got several dealers

all across the region and which you can

get ahold of them either locally or get

them get ahold of them at their at their

office go to their website at


a dealer or neither group here tonight

be sure you ask them about how you can

get your products knife they're Redmond

products there's a variety of Redmond

products that are available not only for

livestock but of course for humans as we

talked about here tonight and all the

benefits of with the benefits of real

salt and you can sure get a hold of your

local dealer for more information on

that kind of getting things kind of

wound down here if you have any

questions you will still have that

opportunity I'm going to now turn it

back over to ERV haidle for a few

comments here tonight thank you I sure

want to thank dr. Brownstein for this

very thorough and fine presentation here

very very helpful and very very

informative and educational and I just

want to give you a special thanks and

then of course the folks at Redmond as

well we just appreciate our working

relationship with them and the fine

product that they are making available

for us and people all across the America

dot but to market and distribute just

longed to say a special thanks to all of


alright thanks Irv and again just one

final thank you to our sponsors Agra

best feeds they offer a unique line of

livestock supplementation it's the

distillers grain based complete

supplement as well as sea salt for

horses and cattle we welcome Agri vest

feeds and thank them for their

sponsorship here tonight and of course

also the ability through them to get

some of the human salt the real salt

products as well make sure you contact

your local dealer and also sponsoring

tonight real salt we thank them for

their sponsorship as well and appreciate

their help and cooperation for tonight's

event well on behalf of our sponsors

here tonight we thank you for joining us

and I want to want to remind you that

you can go to the website at

www.tanahoy.com steen you can go to his

website at dr. Brownstein com for more

information well thank you and we'll see

you next time thanks for joining us on

tonight's webinar my name is Justin

Mills and we'll see you